We are looking for Country Acquisition Managers and Franchise Partners.

Job Position For Franchise Partner

Job Position: Franchise Partner Real Estate Matching – Real Estate Matching24

We are looking for dedicated Franchise Partner (Real Estate Agents, Property Manager, Insurance Broker, Mortgage Broker, Property Valuation Experts and Entrepreneurs) for our Real Estate Franchise Business Real Estate Matching – Real Estate Matchin24 in more than 115 countries.
Real Estate Matching – Real Estate Matching24 is a full-service real estate agency. We sell and rent each type of properties in the residential, commercial and vacation property sectors. In the same sectors we are also operating in property management. In addition we offer the services to broker financing, property insurance and property valuation. For more information please go to www.realestatematching24.com.

We offer beginners, independent real estate agents, independent property manager and entrepreneurs the ability to reach an increasingly competitive market, with our unique international brand in your chosen region or local market. We will support you in reaching your goals.

If you are interested in, please send us your application to franchise@realestatematching24.com.

What is a Real Estate Franchise Business?
A real estate franchise is a business that provides services related to the buying, selling, or renting of real estate. These businesses can be involved in a variety of activities, such as property management, property valuation, property insurance and mortgage financing.

What is a Franchise simple definition?
A franchise (or franchising) is a method of distributing products or services involving a franchisor, who establishes the brand’s trademark or trade name and a business system, and a franchisee, who pays a royalty and an initial fee for the right to do business under the franchisor’s name and system.

What ist a Franchisee?
A franchisee or franchise partner is an independent entrepreneur who has received the franchise, i.e. a kind of license for the use of an existing business concept, from the franchisor. The franchisee is a self-reliant and legally independent entrepreneur.

Why become a Franchisee?
If you are thinking of self-employment, you should definitely consider franchising, because this form of entrepreneurship offers many advantages that a free establishment does not have.

Franchise Definition – What ist Franchising?
Franchising is a partnership-based distribution system that allows new entrepreneurs to use an established business concept for a fee. The term franchise describes a cooperative sales system between an existing company – the franchisor – and one or more company founders – the franchisees. The franchisor grants its cooperation partners the right to use the business concept it has developed on the basis of a franchise agreement. The period during which the franchise system is operated between the partners is determined by the franchisor. For this period, the franchisee may use the name, design and business idea to sell goods or distribute services. In return, the franchisee has to pay fees – so-called entry fees and usually monthly franchise fees – to the franchisor in order to buy the licenses and rights of use. In addition, the franchisee pays part of the profits to the originator of the business idea.

We are looking forward to meeting you. Please send us your application to franchise@realestatematching24.com

Job Position For Country Acquisition Manager

Job Position: Country Acquisition Manager

Job Description:

As soon as possible we are looking for dedicated Country Acquisition Managers for new Franchise Partner (Real Estate Agents, Property Manager, Insurance Broker, Mortgage Broker, Property Valuation Experts and Entrepreneurs) for our Real Estate Franchise Business Real Estate Matching – Real Estate Matchin24 in more than 115 countries.
Real Estate Matching – Real Estate Matching24 is a full-service real estate agency. We sell and rent each type of properties in the residential, commercial and vacation property sectors. In the same sectors we are also operating in property management. In addition we offer the services to broker financing, property insurance and property valuation. For more information please go to www.realestatematching24.com.

If you are interested in, please send us your application to jobs@realestatematching24.com.


  • Independent search, approach, acquisition of potential Franchise Partners (partial support from leads and contacts from the franchise headquarters)
  • Holistic support and responsibility for the recruitment process
  • As an Acquisition Manager you will negotiate, seek out, finalize and organize Franchise Partners and potential Franchise Partners as well as the prepared associated Agreements
  • The Country Acquisition Manager is responsible for the strategy to require Franchise Partners country-wide
  • Onboarding of new Franchise Partners in cooperation with the franchise headquarters
  • Monthly reporting with the franchise headquarters

The position of Country Acquisition Manager is initially rewarded on a performance-related basis and can become a permanent position (good fixed salary and additional performance-related bonus) with the appropriate number of Franchise Partners. In the initial phase, the professional activity takes place from the home office with corresponding travel activities that may be necessary. A high level of commitment with an associated agile approach is expected. Monthly reporting and exchange takes place with the franchise headquarters.

Profile – Required Skills:

  • At least 10 years of professional experience, preferably in a similar position
  • Vocational Training or Studying
  • Good English
  • Desirable experience in the following areas: Marketing, Human Resources, Acquisition, Recruitment, Real Estate Sector
  • Ability to communicate and act appropriately to the target group
  • Interest in the continuous development of personal knowledge and continuous process optimization
  • Agile mindset
  • Strong interpersonal relationships, analytical thinking
  • Professionals in this position need strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills in their work sourcing Franchise Partners

With successive growth in the number of Franchise Partners, either the Country Acquisition Manager or, in addition, a Country Manager takes care of the Franchise Partners in connection with the organization of Fanchise Partner meetings, support in networking with each other, such as in marketing, aquire Real Estates for to sell or rent, training courses.

We are looking forward to meeting you. Please send us your application to jobs@realestatematching24.com.

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